Kim Gun-Woo, portrayed by Woo Do-Hwan, is an up-and-coming pugilist. His mother finds herself deep underwater due to debts owed to the feared and powerful moneylender, Kim Myeong-Gil, played by Park Sung-Woong. To alleviate his mother’s financial woes, Kim Gun-Woo hangs up his boxing gloves and starts working under President Choi, enacted by Heo Jun-Ho.
In the past, President Choi was an iconic figure in the world of money lending, but he mysteriously vanished. Then, out of the blue, he resurfaced, offering loans without interest to those in need. He offers Kim Gun-Woo a place in his operation. Alongside Kim Gun-Woo, Kim Hyeon-Ju (portrayed by Kim Sae-Ron) and Hong Woo-Jin (brought to life by Lee Sang-Yi) are also employees under the helm of CEO Choi.