Back butler is set in Victoria England revolving around the protagonist Ciel who is the last surviving member of an aristocratic family and has a demon as a butler. It’s a dark fantasy that kind of mixes real events with pure fiction. Its a bit of an older anime but is certainly worth the watch. I think its a unique anime that every anime Fan should see at least once. It has 3 seasons with a total of 46 episodes combined.(season 1 has 24 episodes season 2 12 season 3 10) Season 2 is not canonical but a pure anime original so season 2 is not a must watch but definetely decent.Furthermore it has 2 movies. I hope you can watch the anime if you ever have a spot open since I dont think the mayority would vote for it since newer anime Fans might not know about it.
Have a nice day!
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji)