Action, Comedy, Historical, Parody, Samurai, Sci-Fi, Shounen--The Amanto, aliens from outer space, have invaded Earth and taken over feudal Japan. As a result, a...
Slice of Life, Comedy, School, Seinen--Sophisticated, suave, sublime; all words which describe the exceedingly handsome and patently perfect Sakamoto. Though it is only his...
Comedy, Parody, Shounen, Supernatural--Ichiko Sakura lives life on easy mode. Blessed with good fortune, she has everything she has ever wanted, including beauty, intelligence,...
Slice of Life, Comedy, School, Shounen--Nichijou primarily focuses on the daily antics of a trio of childhood friends—high school girls Mio Naganohara, Yuuko Aioi...
Comedy, School, Seinen--During recess, Olivia, a foreign transfer student who doesn't know English, plays a game of "look-the-other-way" with Hanako Honda, a loud-mouthed airhead....
Slice of Life, Comedy, School--Roaming the halls of the all-boys Sanada North High School are three close comrades: the eccentric ringleader with a hyperactive...