Slice of Life, Comedy, School--Chiyo Mihama begins her high school career as one of the strangest students in her freshman class—a tiny, 10-year-old academic...
Action, Comedy, Horror, Magic, Fantasy, Seinen--Hole—a dark, decrepit, and disorderly district where the strong prey on the weak and death is an ordinary occurrence—is...
Comedy, Sports, Drama, Shounen--Sakamichi Onoda is a cheerful otaku looking to join his new school's anime club, eager to finally make some friends. Unfortunately,...
Drama, Game, Josei, School, Slice of Life, Sports--Chihaya Ayase, a strong-willed and tomboyish girl, grows up under the shadow of her older sister. With...
Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, School, Shounen--"Weak Legs" Kenichi Shirahama would rather spend his time reading self improvement books than fighting. However, when he finally...
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo--Princess Yona lives a life of luxury and ease, completely sheltered from the problems of the seemingly peaceful Kingdom...