Action, Seinen--Within Thailand is Roanapur, a depraved, crime-ridden city where not even the authorities or churches are untouched by the claws of corruption. A...
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Supernatural, Shounen--Ichigo Kurosaki is an ordinary high schooler—until his family is attacked by a Hollow, a corrupt spirit that...
Comedy, Demons, Supernatural, Fantasy, School, Shounen--Fourteen-year-old Iruma Suzuki has been unfortunate all his life, having to work to earn money for his irresponsible parents...
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Magic, Fantasy, Shounen--In the mystical land of Fiore, magic exists as an essential part of everyday life. Countless magic guilds lie...
Action, Sci-Fi--The bustling metropolis of Kansai, where cybernetic screens litter the neon landscape, may seem like a technological utopia at first glance. But in...
Action, Comedy, Super Power, Supernatural, Vampire, Fantasy, Shounen--Supersonic monkeys, vampires, talking fishmen, and all sorts of different supernatural monsters living alongside humans—this has been...